
Friday, August 30, 2013

Leek Lady of the Week: Miley Cyrus

Leek Lady of the Week: Miley Cyrus

The Leek Lady this week is none other than Miley Cyrus!

This is Miley’s first time winning the honor of Leek Lady of the Week, but I doubt it’ll be her last. The odd-haired country singer offspring has skyrocketed past her Disney-friendly persona and morphed into the sexy songstress she is today! And we at the Leek have taken notice.

Ms. Cyrus is no longer the timid teeny bopper delivering hollow pop lyrics, no sir. She’s an all around dynamo who has most recently become the face of an entire TWERK nation. This ain’t your Daddy’s Miley Cyrus, I can promise you that.

Her upcoming album is rumored to have features by a handful of today’s most popular rappers, proving that even the hardest of the hard in the rap game got respect (and hard ons) for Miley. But it does make you think…Wonder how Billy Ray feels about his precious little daughter hanging out with a bunch of street tufts? Hell, he probably doesn’t give a shit as long as he still gets a cut of that sweet Hannah Montana money.

1. Classic Hollywood Cyrus.

Cyrus 1

2. iHeart that haircut.


3. Pass the Miley to the left hand side.

Cyrus 3

4. Gangsta-Bitch Cyrus.

Cyrus 6

5. Legs for DAYS!

Cyrus 5

6. Punk Rock Sexy.
Cyrus 13
7. Keeping it tight enroute to the gym.

Cyrus 9

8. Girl Next Door Hotness.

Cyrus 15

9. The ol’ “Grab the Neck, Show the Pit” pose.

Cyrus 14

10. Cy-de Boob.

Cyrus 12

11. Simple Elegance.

Cyrus 11

12. That smile.
Cyrus 10
13. That hair.

Cyrus 8

14. Those Lips.
Cyrus 7
15. That’s my girl…

Cyrus 4 leek

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